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With IZONE Business Solutions and Services, you can afford to relax.
Automate cut business costs.

 Infrastructural Solutions

A reliable information technology infrastructure is paramount in running a modern business. We provide the foundational technology to ensure that your business is up and running as efficiently as possible. We provide affordable hardware, software, networks and unified communications solutions at same time ensuring that you enjoy more than an adequate return on investment.


Our hardware solutions are sourced from the industry leading partners namely Helwet Packard, Dell, Lenovo and Toshiba. We are able to provide a wide range of hardware from laptops to desktops and servers. Our solutions come with warranties that are in-line with the corresponding partners guidelines.


LANS and WANS?, our networking experts are able to guide you and implement the most suitable network for your business. We have been previledged in the implementation of tens of networks for our various customers.